Click on the unit logos to see their members! Or click here for their producer, Ren Hoshi!

NijiAM is an idol unit led by Noa Nakajima, their primary theme being video games and their general fun and quirky dynamic. Their genre can be described as electropop and chiptune, generally being upbeat and full of energy.
NijiAM Playlist

UnderDOGS! is a three-person unit led by Asuka Matsumoto. Their songs go from rock to pop punk, making them stand out in the idol scene. Especially when they sing their hearts out on stage and put everything into their performances.
Under!DOGS Playlist

A somber unit shrouded in shadows. Kenopsia's dark and depressing songs connect with the hearts of their fans, especially those struggling themselves. The unit's two members have both nearly given up on their dream, but after a fateful meeting, they decided to turn their pains into music.
Kenopsia Playlist

Kanji中島 ノア
RomajiNoa/Noah Nakajima
SchoolYumenosaki Private Academy
CirclesSports Survivors, BB
Date of BirthNovember 3rd
RoommatesNatsume Sakasaki, Nazuna Nito, Leo Tsukinaga
DislikesSound of birds in the morning
Favorite FoodHam Salad
HobbyGaming, table tennis

As a second-year, Noa is the oldest member of NijiAM, and therefore the leader. He acts both aloof and somewhat stoic, but at the same time, tries to be an older brother figure for his unit to rely on.His voice is rather low for his age with a distinct huskiness to it, his performances are cool and dynamic.PersonalityNoa is typically very aloof, and detached; He said it's because it takes him a lot of effort to emote properly. According to himself, he's constantly running on "power saving mode". But even though he struggles with showing it, Noa really cares about those around him. Especially the members of NijiAM, to whom he tries to be a good senior, and in a way, an older brother figure, since he had wished he had senpais like that when he was still a first-year, and due to him also having wished to have siblings as a child.He declared himself as the unit leader, since he is the oldest idol in the group, but also because he deemed himself to be the only one competent enough to deal with that. Not because of anything with the others (although they all unianimously agreed they aren't fit to be leaders), it's because Noa suffers from fear of losing control. If he's not in charge, he can't help but fret about what might go wrong.His social battery is easily drained, so despite wishing to spend more time with his friends, Noa tends to have to retreat to recharge with some alone time. When he doesn't, he often falls asleep during the event, if he's comfortable enough around the people. If not, he'll push himself past his limit, being used to pulling all-nighters and overworking himself.BackstoryNoa is an only child that lives with his single father, after his mother was deemed unfit to raise a child when they divorced when he was 7. His father, being a single dad, is rather overwhelmed, and though he loves his son deeply, his job requires him to spend a lot of time at work.His father doesn't have much time to spend with his son, and he tries to make it up by spending money to buy his son anything he wants, mainly things like video games. Having no other family members, Noa was normally alone at home unless he had friends over, so he passed the time alone with video games as well as other hobbies like table tennis.Due to often being away, Noa and his father not only lack physically proximity, but also emotional closeness. Although they have a generally good relationship, they almost feel like strangers sometimes. Nonetheless, Noa doesn't hold any ill will towards his father, and appreciates his efforts.Trivia- His name can be romanized as either Noa or Noah. Usually, it defaults to Noa, but both ways of spelling it aren't wrong.
- His last name consists of 中 meaning in/inside/middle/center and 島 meaning island.
- As his first name is written in Katakana, it has no meaning in Japanese. Though in the west, the name Noah can mean rest.

Kanji塩田 竜雄
RomajiShioda Tatsuo
SchoolYumenosaki Private Academy
ClubsGame Research Club
CirclesASOBI Club, Overnight Outdoors Party
Date of BirthApril 1st (Aries)
RoommatesRuruku Kitami
LikesChildren's shows
DislikesRomantic movies
Favorite FoodNachos
FamilyParents, younger sister
HobbySkating, pulling pranks

An idol that doesn't act his age at all. Tatsuo considers basically everyone his friend and loves pulling pranks on them. Although he can come off as self-centered, he he has his own way of showing how deeply he cares about his friends and will stop at nothing to help them.With his energetic singing voice that sounds rather childlike and nasally, he seems to jump across the stage like a playground.PersonalityTatsuo is a rather childish young boy, he enjoys pulling harmless pranks and causing other small mischiefs. Known as the class clown in school, he's very outgoing and can rarely be seen alone since he easily gets bored on his own.Though sometimes his carefree nature can come off as very insensitive. He struggles to perceive his surroundings properly, and rarely seems serious about anything, rather making silly jokes and seeing things as games than an important issue. Even if he doesn't mean to be insensitive like that, much like a child, he can't easily see the world through other people's eyes and fails to see when sometimes his behavoir causes more harm than good.He has a huge admiration towards his seniors, normally giving them nicknames and ending them in "-niichan". Although he rarely ever uses formal speech for them, he shows his deep respect for them in other ways, more practical ones like being of service to them, or straight up telling them how much he looks up to them.BackstoryTatsuo has a younger sister, who is now in elementary school age, and two parents who are rather emotionally neglectful of their children, especially his sister. While they provide them with food, clothes and everything else they need, they barely got them toys, never played with them or did simple things like taking them to a park.This hadn't been all too much of an issue to Tatsuo growing up, as he had lots of friends at school to have fun with. Though unlike him, his sister was an outcast in both kindergarten, and later school, so she didn't have anyone to spend time with outside of home, and inside, she didn't have anything fun to do either. Caring deeply for his sister, he tries to keep her entertained and happy, playing with her all day instead of doing his homework. Though, with his childish mind, he's more of a playmate than an parental, older brother figure. This leads him to admire his upperclassmen, who he affectionally calls "nii-chan", trying to learn to be like them - a reliable older brother figure.Now that Tatsuo attends Yumenosaki and lives in the dorms, he barely gets to see his family. Tatsuo feels rather bad because of it, and his sister is sad about being seperated, but also extremely happy to see her brother becoming an idol.Trivia- Tatsuo's last name consists of 塩 meaning salt and 田 meaning rice field or rice paddy
- His first name roughly translates to male dragon.

Kanji木村 はる
RomajiKimura Haru
SchoolYumenosaki Private Academy
ClubsTea Club
CirclesGardenia, ANIMALS
Height162 cm
Date of BirthSeptember 9th (Virgo)
RoommatesTomoya Mashiro, Mayoi Ayase
LikesFlower crowns
DislikesArtificial smells
Favorite FoodSoufflé
FamilyParents, two older brothers
SpecialtyKnowledge about obsure topics

Haru has a very friendly and sociable personality and will try to talk to anyone: Including tons of inanimate objects, which he treasures as deeply as any other friend. But don't get taken aback by these habits; Haru is an incredibly sweet and kind soul.He sings with a very soft, sweet and childish voice, bringing a nice and pleasant atmosphere to their performances.PersonalityThroughout his life, Haru has often been referred to as "weird". He is a very happy and bubbly individual, and talks to plants and animals, treating them as his friends. He is just as loving with humans, acting very sweet, warm-hearted and loving. Once he meets someone, he considers them a friend and loves to give nicknames. Though Haru is also very naive and struggles to pick up on social cues. Due to being considered "weird", he's struggled with making real friends his entire life and ends up being lonely. But when he meets the right people who love and accept him for who he is, he's brighter than the sun.BackstoryHaru grew up very isolated from his peers, since the other children always thought the way he acted was "strange". His unusual personality caused him to be an outcast, and while not bullied, he still suffered from the isolation.But his parents, teachers, and his peers had always told him the situation was his fault; if he just tried acting like the other kids (aka neurotypical), others would like him. Despite that being what he was always told from a young age, Haru never understood what "acting normal" meant. He didn't understand what was "wrong" with him, and since he didn't have much contact with his peers, it didn't get better.In his loneliness, when he started spending his time alone in the school's garden during recess, he started talking to the plants, searching for any kind of interaction. He's found that they really understand him, and he really understands them. This is where his fondness for plant life originated.One day, another student, a senior girl, noticed how he was always alone, and started talking to him. Despite Haru's quirks, they ended up getting along just fine, and they became friends. The girl was a huge idol fan, and whenever Haru was "acting weird", she would just ramble on about how this kind of peculiarity is what she always loves in idols. This was what set the idea of becoming one into his mind.FamilyThe maternal half ancestors of his ancestors have immigrated to Japan generations ago, so by now, Haru is pretty disconnected from his ancestor's side and their culture. He is the youngest of three songs, with his parents being average, lower-to-middle-class workers. The oldest brother often helps his parents with work, while the middle child is attending university.While Haru doesn't seem to notice it, his parents' favoritism towards his older brothers is apparent. He has always been the black sheep of the family, while his brothers are more "normal". Haru and his brothers had attended the same elementary school, during which time, they tried to avoid being associated with their younger brother, out of fear of being ridiculed due to being related to the outcast.It's questionable whether Haru actually understands that this is what had happened. Nowadays, he says he is on good terms with his brothers, and Haru has mentioned that they boast about having an idol brother all the time, something that Haru is happy about. However, he doesn't seem sad that this is the first time they have said that they are proud of him.Trivia- Haru's last name essentially means "tree village"
- His first name is written in hiragana, meaning it has no meaning. The word Haru generally means spring, however.

Kanji藤沢 祐
RomajiFujisawa Yuu
SchoolYumenosaki Private Academy
ClubsLibrary Committee
CirclesManga Club, Mystery Researchers
Height166 cm
Date of BirthOctober 12th (Libra)
RoommatesKikumi Momozaki
LikesTeddy bears
DislikesBeing the center of attention
Favorite FoodBread with nothing on it
FamilyParents, multiple cousins
HobbyCollecting knick-knacks
SpecialtyExplaining things

Yuu is an anxious individual, and a people-pleaser at heart. With a tendency to go on self-deprecating rambles, and a complete lack of confidence, his friends make it their job to help him feel better about himself.With a voice that is very clear and humble, but with a recognizable powerful edge, Yuu's performances are very earnest, subtly complementing his other unit members.PersonalityYuu is a deeply insecure individual prone to self-loathing. He self-esteem is very fragile, and he often dwells on his failings, or what he sees as failings. His lack of confidence makes him see himself way worse than he actually is and second guess his abilities and judgement all the time.Despite that, Yuu is quick to take on unpleasant tasks, so that no one else would be forced to do them, essientially sacrificing himself. He's a people pleaser, believing this to be the only way that people won't get sick of him. Due to being incredibly shy and introverted, he doesn't often find himself in company, so when someone is around, he fears dissapointing them.Yuu struggles with the belief that no one truly cares for him, but with the help of his close friends, he's slowly beginning to change his mindset. He treasures his friends dearly, although he often needs reassurance that the feeling is mutual. Those close to him see him as a considerate, caring and valued mate.BackstoryYuu is an only child with several cousins, most of which from his mother's side. His mother's family is quite competitive, so they would constantly compare their offsprings with those of their siblings. Things like which child started speaking the earliest, which child had the best grades, who had the best talents. Yuu did not excel at anything in particular, being average at best at the things a mother could brag about.His mother often berated him for being terrible and talentless, so much so that he internalized these opinions. He suffered greatly under the pressure of always being compared and never being good enough, isolating himself until he became a social outcast. That was until his dream of becoming an idol started. His mother enrolled him to Yumenosaki, but is still skeptical of him, expecting him to fail.Trivia- Fujisawa consists of 藤 meaning wisteria and 沢 meaning swamp
- The kanji of Yuu's name translates to "help, assist, protect"
- The reason he wanted to because he's a fan of idol games and anime and loves learning their choreographies. This is when he discovered he had a talent for dancing and picking up on choreographies quickly.

Kanji保志 廉
RomajiHoshi Ren
SchoolYumenosaki Private Academy
ClassProducer Course (Third year)
Height176 cm
Date of BirthJuly 27th (Leo)
LikesHelping others
DislikesFeeling powerless
Favorite FoodMost fruits, applesauce
FamilyParents, older sister, younger brother
SpecialtyComing up with creative ideas

Ren's childhood dream was becoming an idol, which became impossible as his chronic illness started catching up to him. Though, now using a wheelchair, he doesn't let that deter him from pursuing a career in the idol industry - as a producer. Ren is a student in Yumenosaki's producer course that especially focuses on bringing underground idols into the limelight with his various creative ideas. He is also childhood friends with Ruruku.PersonalityRen possesses many qualities that make him both a great producer and and a reliable friend. With his attentive and organized disposition, which every producer needs, Ren is meticulous in his work, ensuring every detail is well-planned. Though his true talent that makes him stand out as a producer is his creativity and ability to think outside the box, which allows him to come up with innovative concepts for the idols he produces. His attentive eye also easily spots ways to improve or spice up a choreography, and he's more than happy to give tips when asked.He's able to easily connect with others, thanks to his sociable and approachable nature. He's empathetic and able to put himself into other people's position, allowing him to not only get a grasp on what the idol fans might want, but also to understand his friends' emotions. Due to very familiar with his own limits because of his disablilty, he's also become very mindful of others' limits, sometimes forcing his idols to take breaks before they overwork themselves.As both a producer and a friend, Ren is always reliable and offering support. He gets very close to the idols he produces and is protective over them. He always wants to ensure they're doing well, both personally and as idols.BackstoryRen had a rather uneventful early life, though he's childhood friends with Ruruku. They grew close since both were in the same group of the dance school they attended ever since they were young, as well as attending the same elementary school and later middle school. Both were exceptional dancers for their age and enjoyed dancing in each other's company. They both shared an interest in idols, which lead to them pinky promising that one day, they would both become idols, together. That was until one day, in Ren's early tween years, he started attending dance lessons less and less due to not feeling well.Eventually, the doctor advised him to not dance anymore, as he discovered the reasons for his pains were his joint instability. The pain caused by that got so bad that his family bought him a wheelchair. At first, he was very overwhelmed by the sudden change, but what made him the saddest was not being able to dance anymore.However, he would still attend dance lessons sometimes, since he was good friends with the members though now only as a visitor, watching the others. In doing so, he discovered that he actually has a keen eye for small details in their moves and would give helpful tips and critiques to their choreography. And though he first was sad he wasn't able to dance himself anymore, he found it really fun to help and instruct others. Ren couldn't fulfill the promise of becoming idols with Ruruku anymore (though Ruruku probably forget they even promised like that as children), but he wouldn't stray far off in his career either. Using his talent at pointing out ways to improve to others as well as his creative and organized mind, he decided to become a producer as Ruruku pursued the path of an idol.Despite Ren using a wheelchair, he isn't paralyzed or unable to use his legs at all. He's an ambulatory wheelchair user, meaning he can stand and walk for short distances, though it brings him a lot of pain as his joint are very weak. He goes to physiotherapy in order to manage his disability better and relief the join aches.Trivia- Ren's surname, Hoshi, contains 保 meaning preserve, protect, guarantee and 志 meaning aspiration, ambition, goal. This is referencing his role as a producer. Additionally, it's homonymous with 星 meaning star, referencing the universe he's from Ensemble Stars.
- His first name can translate to honest, pure, reasonable, peaceful, inexpensive or suspicion.

This is the wiki for my original characters set in the universe of the game Ensemble Stars!! There’s currently a total of 10 characters, with three units and one producer. The collective term for my characters and their universe is Niji+ (NijiPlus), as it all started from NijiAM.As you can see, this page is unfinished, and some things might change in the future, but I am actively working on this site! Also yes bc of carrd's element limit, this wiki is separated into two pages that link to each other yeah.Fanart, or generally any kind of thing including my little guys, is very much appreciated! I also love talking about them, since they take up 50% of my brain and make me happy, so feel free to just dm me and talk to me about them. Also be sure to tag me in any fanart or other things you do of them. You may also use the #nijiplus tag for it.Last but not least, I want to thank my friends for helping me make the unit logos, specifically Evie for making the one for NijiAM and Pan and Rider for the Kenopsia one!And thank YOU for reading this :)